The state of Pennsylvania enjoys one of the most active deregulated energy markets in the country giving utility customers the power to choose their own electricity supplier. Over 1.7 millions PA residents have taken full advantage of this opportunity and reduced their electricity rates on their monthly utility bill. Keystone State has more than 100 energy providers offering a range of plans. Some plans are green, others are fixed rates, while others fluctuate based on the season and demand. SaveOnEnergy’s marketplace allows you to compare and find the best rates for your residential energy requirements, whether you are interested in a fixed or variable plan.
Since energy deregulation rolled out in Pennsylvania, customers are able to shop independent electricity suppliers for the best rates and customer service. Although it is an important reform of the market, many consumers do not understand the process and don’t know where to shop for energy. Our team has made it a mission to help Pennsylvanians better understand their options and take advantage of the competitive energy markets in the state.
PPL Electric Utilities is responsible for providing electricity to 1.4million homes and businesses located in 61 out of the 67 counties within the state. The company invests into a safe and reliable power delivery network that includes more 50,000 miles of wire, enough to wrap twice around the globe. PPL Electric is a steward of the community and spends over $90 million per year to help low-income consumers pay their energy bills.

If you are a ppl electric, First Energy, or a similar utility, you can find an alternative energy provider who offers plans at 7% less than the PTC rate of your utility, along with other benefits and perks. You can shop on DLC’s website or call the number on your invoice. Once you select your new supplier they will take charge of the generation of electricity for your home and business.
Public Utility Commission also provides information on other electricity providers. The PUC receives funding from the assessment of regulated utility companies and employs professionals such as rate and service analysts and auditors. They also have safety inspectors, enforcement investigators and auditors. It works behind the scenes to support a retail energy market that is competitive by licensing suppliers, investigating consumer complaints and regulating industry. Its website allows users to search for information, review a listing of complaint categories and lodge a complaint against any supplier. Sign up for alerts via email, text or voice from the PUC to learn more about your supplier. The commission also offers detailed explanations of energy deregulation and a guide for shopping for an electricity supply company. You can save money by avoiding hidden fees and charges. You can learn more about energy deregulation in Pennsylvania by visiting the PUC’s website.